Electronic Flight Strips
Traditionally, Tower operations at Dublin, Shannon and Cork relied on a labour intensive manual process for managing flight strip information for departing and arriving aircraft. The introduction of Electronic Flight Strip (EFS) system automates the manual strip processing function, making it more efficient and less prone to error.
As of March 2018, EFS has been implemented at Dublin Airport.
The EFS system has a number of benefits including:
- Automation of the manual strip processing in use in the Dublin Tower.
- Introduction of a recording and playback function for strip interaction not achievable with manual strip processing.
- Improve the efficiency and safety of Tower Operations through the programming of strict business rules and introduction of additional safety nets.
- Act as an enabler for the introduction of Airport Collaborative Decision Making (ACDM) at Dublin Airport (Note: ACDM is one of the SESAR Work Packages (WP 6.6) and will be required to meet the requirements of the Single European Sky (SES) legislation.)